
April 30, 2016

Hey Dramatininjacats,

Another call for participants at this Tuesday's Dramatica Writers Group, May 3rd.  We are reviewing an original TV pilot by David C., a one-hour drama/thriller -- 50 pages long. The sign-ups thus far have been light (been a pattern lately!), so here's that nudge-nudge again -- let's get a nice diverse group together for this week's author, so please join us if you can.  Write me back and I will shoot the script over to you.

And then have it read and prepared to discuss starting at 7:00 PDT at the Write Bros. office in Burbank.

Thanks for contributing if possible, and we'll see you then!


NOTE TO AOL USERS:  If you click on "Contact Sandy" below and fill out the contact form, and you enter an AOL.com address under "Your Email", your inquiry may not get to me.  For some strange reason the system this site lives on doesn't get along with AOL.  We've been trying to create a workaround, but if you have another email account besides AOL, I suggest using that one for this form.  Once you and I establish contact, we can each go back to AOL.  Sorry about that.

Contact Sandy

Dramatica Story Expert

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