The DWGback Machine

March 16, 2014

Hey Dramaticaninegeniuses,

Be sure to read Latoya W.'s untitled TV pilot script and be ready to discuss it this Tuesday, March 18th, at the Dramatica Writers Group in Burbank.  If you plan to attend the meeting and don't have the material yet, let me know right away and I will forward it to you.  The script is 48 pages long.

That discussion will start at 7:00 p.m. PDT Tuesday in the Write Bros. conference room as usual.  If you can't make it, be sure to reach out to Latoya individually if you've gotten a copy of the script.

We still have both April dates -- 4/1 & 4/15 -- open, so if you'd like to schedule a project for either of those meetings, let me know as soon as you can.

Try not to get pinched tomorrow, and we'll see you Tuesday!


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