Wretched Hive of DWG & Villainy
July 21, 2014
Hey Dramaticantinapatrons,
Remember we have no Dramatica meeting this week, or next week. But we do have something to read for the first Writers Group in August, on 8/5. It's a new draft of Sarah H.'s screenplay which we last reviewed in May. The script, at 120 pages, is available for reading now, so if you plan to come to the DWG in two weeks, let me know and I will forward it to you.
And you know the policy: If you receive the reading and then can't make the meeting, please contact the author. I'll give you Sarah's e-mail address if you need it.
We also have a project lined up for the second August meeting, but I'll fill you in on that later.
Enjoy the summer, and we'll see you in a couple of weeks!