A Streetcar Named Desire
SYNOPSIS: "Disturbed Blanche DuBois moves in with her sister in New Orleans and is tormented by her brutish brother-in-law while her reality crumbles around her." Synopsis source: IMDB.com
Story Dynamics
8 of the 12 essential questions
Main Character Resolve: Change
Main Character Growth: Start
Main Character Approach: Be-er
Main Character Mental Sex: Female
Story Driver: Action
Story Limit: Optionlock
Story Outcome: Failure
Story Judgment: Bad
Overall Story Throughline
Blanche in the Quarter
Overall Story Throughline: Universe
Overall Story Concern: Progress
Overall Story Issue: Threat vs. Security
Overall Story Problem: Determination
Overall Story Solution: Expectation
Overall Story Symptom: Theory
Overall Story Response: Hunch
Overall Story Catalyst: Security
Overall Story Inhibitor: Worry
Overall Story Benchmark: Future
Overall Story Signpost 1: Present
Overall Story Signpost 2: Progress
Overall Story Signpost 3: Future
Overall Story Signpost 4: Past
Main Character Throughline
Blance DuBois
Main Character Throughline: Psychology
Main Character Concern: Being
Main Character Issue: Desire vs. Ability
Main Character Problem: Determination
Main Character Solution: Expectation
Main Character Symptom: Trust
Main Character Response: Test
Main Character Unique Ability: Ability
Main Character Critical Flaw: Experience
Main Character Benchmark: Becoming
Main Character Signpost 1: Conceptualizing
Main Character Signpost 2: Being
Main Character Signpost 3: Becoming
Main Character Signpost 4: Conceiving
Influence Character Throughline
Stanley Kowalski
Influence Character Throughline: Physics
Influence Character Concern: Doing
Influence Character Issue: Experience vs. Skill
Influence Character Problem: Unproven
Influence Character Solution: Proven
Influence Character Symptom: Theory
Influence Character Response: Hunch
Influence Character Unique Ability: Skill
Influence Character Critical Flaw: Desire
Influence Character Benchmark: Obtaining
Influence Character Signpost 1: Doing
Influence Character Signpost 2: Obtaining
Influence Character Signpost 3: Learning
Influence Character Signpost 4: Understanding
Relationship Story Throughline
Snob vs. Blue Collar
Relationship Story Throughline: Mind
Relationship Story Concern: Preconscious
Relationship Story Issue: Worry vs. Confidence
Relationship Story Problem: Determination
Relationship Story Solution: Expectation
Relationship Story Symptom: Ending
Relationship Story Response: Unending
Relationship Story Catalyst: Confidence
Relationship Story Inhibitor: Threat
Relationship Story Benchmark: Subconscious
Relationship Story Signpost 1: Memory
Relationship Story Signpost 2: Preconscious
Relationship Story Signpost 3: Subconscious
Relationship Story Signpost 4: Conscious
Addditional Story Points
Key Structural Appreciations
Overall Story Goal: Progress
Overall Story Consequence: Preconscious
Overall Story Cost: Doing
Overall Story Dividend: Being
Overall Story Requirements: Future
Overall Story Prerequisites: Subconscious
Overall Story Preconditions: Obtaining
Overall Story Forewarnings: Becoming
Plot Progression Visualizations
Dynamic Act Schematics