DWGs of the Galaxy

August 3, 2014

Hey Dramatistarlords,

Be sure to read Sarah H.'s romantic comedy screenplay and be ready to discuss it this Tuesday evening, August 5th, at the Writers Group in Burbank.  If you don't have the material yet and plan to attend, let me know right away so I can forward it to you with plenty of time to read.  It is a full 120 pages long (and you will want to get to the end!).

If you haven't seen a previous draft of this script, I particularly encourage you to take part so Sarah can get some fresh eyes on the project.  The discussion will begin at 7:00 PDT at Write Bros. as usual.

Looking to the future, we have a project lined up for the August 19th meeting, then we will be on hiatus until the Users Group on Sept. 9th.  Our DWG the week after, on 9/16, is currently unoccupied, so talk to me if you're interested in that date.

Meanwhile, see you this Tuesday!


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