The Exorcist
Storyform for the Chris McNeil as Main Character Story
This was an alternative choice for The Exorcist with Chris McNeil as the Main Character and Father Damian Karras as the Influence Character. Our first choice for storyform had Father Karras as the Main Character and Chris McNeil, several priests, and the demon itself acting as the Influence Character(s).
Story Dynamics
8 of the 12 essential questions
Main Character Resolve: Steadfast
Main Character Growth: Stop
Main Character Approach: Do-er
Main Character Mental Sex: Female
Story Driver: Action
Story Limit: Optionlock
Story Outcome: Success
Story Judgment: Good
Overall Story Throughline
Demon in the Girl
Overall Story Throughline: Universe
Overall Story Concern: Future
Overall Story Issue: Openness vs. Preconception
Overall Story Problem: Disbelief
Overall Story Solution: Faith
Overall Story Symptom: Reconsider
Overall Story Response: Consider
Overall Story Catalyst: Choice
Overall Story Inhibitor: Attitude
Overall Story Benchmark: Present
Overall Story Signpost 1: Present
Overall Story Signpost 2: Past
Overall Story Signpost 3: Progress
Overall Story Signpost 4: Future
Main Character Throughline
Chris McNeil
Main Character Throughline: Physics
Main Character Concern: Obtaining
Main Character Issue: Approach vs. Attitude
Main Character Problem: Feeling
Main Character Solution: Logic
Main Character Symptom: Reconsider
Main Character Response: Consider
Main Character Unique Ability: Morality
Main Character Critical Flaw: Preconception
Main Character Benchmark: Learning
Main Character Signpost 1: Understanding
Main Character Signpost 2: Learning
Main Character Signpost 3: Doing
Main Character Signpost 4: Obtaining
Influence Character Throughline
Fr. Damian Karras
Influence Character Throughline: Psychology
Influence Character Concern: Becoming
Influence Character Issue: Rationalization vs. Obligation
Influence Character Problem: Disbelief
Influence Character Solution: Faith
Influence Character Symptom: Avoid
Influence Character Response: Pursuit
Influence Character Unique Ability: Responsibility
Influence Character Critical Flaw: Denial
Influence Character Benchmark: Conceiving
Influence Character Signpost 1: Conceptualizing
Influence Character Signpost 2: Being
Influence Character Signpost 3: Becoming
Influence Character Signpost 4: Conceiving
Relationship Story Throughline
Psychiatry vs. Religion
Relationship Story Throughline: Mind
Relationship Story Concern: Subconscious
Relationship Story Issue: Closure vs. Denial
Relationship Story Problem: Avoid
Relationship Story Solution: Pursuit
Relationship Story Symptom: Reconsider
Relationship Story Response: Consider
Relationship Story Catalyst: Dream
Relationship Story Inhibitor: Obligation
Relationship Story Benchmark: Conscious
Relationship Story Signpost 1: Conscious
Relationship Story Signpost 2: Memory
Relationship Story Signpost 3: Preconscious
Relationship Story Signpost 4: Subconscious
Addditional Story Points
Key Structural Appreciations
Overall Story Goal: Future
Overall Story Consequence: Subconscious
Overall Story Cost: Becoming
Overall Story Dividend: Obtaining
Overall Story Requirements: Present
Overall Story Prerequisites: Conscious
Overall Story Preconditions: Conceiving
Overall Story Forewarnings: Learning
Plot Progression Visualizations
Dynamic Act Schematics