Archetypes Expand all Is the Dramatica Theory Too Narrow? Is a Success Outcome dependent on whether the Protagonist wins? If the Main Character is the Protagonist, should the Crucial Element be part of the Archetype? If the Antagonist changes, will that result in a Happy Ending? Can the Antagonist change? Can an Antagonist be redeemed? Does the Impact Character have to be a Driver character? Do you have to keep the Archetypal Motivations Dramatica assigns? Why are character interactions limited only to the Motivations set? Is the Emotion Archetype always the Love Interest/Influence Character in a story? Can one character replace another within the structure? What about stories with too many characters? Protagonist or Antagonist? I can’t decide. Contagonist: Why? Do Dramatica Archetypes Sync Up with the Enneagram?